Ora chiunque può avere una casa ispirata ai progetti di Frank Lloyd Wright

Una azienda di Seattle ha costruito delle abitazioni che riprendono i principi delle celebri case usoniane di Wright.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright. Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

L’impresa edile di Seattle, Lindal Cedar Homes, in collaborazione con la Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, ha fatto realizzare ad Aris Georges e a Trina Lindal, entrambi laureati alla Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, una serie di nove case ispirate alla filosofia Usoniana del grande maestro dell’architettura americano.

Usonia, è un termine coniato dallo stesso Wright che deriva da “United States of America” e comprende un insieme di principi che l’architetto utilizzò come linee guida per creare più di cento case a partire dagli anni Trenta. L’integrazione con il paesaggio, l’uso di materiali naturali come pietra, legno e mattoni, le planimetrie “aperte”, l’accessibilità economica e l’efficienza energetica erano i pilastri concettuali della visione di Wright per una nuova architettura, in profonda osmosi col territorio americano.

Dato che le case usoniane seguivano una logica estremamente flessibile risultano ancora perfette per lo stile di vita contemporaneo, dimostrando di aver resistito alla prova del tempo. I progetti sono disponibili per l’acquisto nella serie Lindal Imagine, compreso quello che riprende la famosa casa Jacobs 1 di Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin, intitolato “The Madison”.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.

Lindal Imagine series of homes, inspired by Usonian homes by Wright.

Image courtesy of Lindal Cedar Homes.