Il nuovo passaggio pedonale del Parco del Popolo di Shenzhen

Reform ha da poco ultimato i lavori per il nuovo ingresso pedonale del parco al centro della metropoli cinese, caratterizzato da un disegno organico che aiuta a risolvere il dislivello di quota.

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023

Foto Sai Shu

Il progetto di riqualificazione dell’ingresso orientale del Parco del Popolo di Shenzhen, che si estende per 380 metri quadrati, è stato intrapreso nell’ambito del più ampio piano di riqualifica dell’intera area verde. Con il nuovo passaggio pedonale, il team di progettazione ha cercato di migliorare il flusso pedonale tra una strada cittadina e la piazza orientale del parco, dove il dislivello complessivo è di quasi sei metri.

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023. Foto Sai Shu

Il progetto prevedeva da richiesta l’ampliamento delle scale esterne, l’installazione di ascensori con corrimano coperto e la fornitura di ascensori verticali accessibili per favorire le interazioni tra l’ingresso e la piazza. Il piano di riqualificazione di Reform riorganizza quindi il flusso pedonale con un disegno ispirato formalmente alle rose del parco, incorporando curve simili a petali nel profilo architettonico e nella pavimentazione della piazza. La copertura degrada quindi dolcemente verso nord per allinearsi con i gradini delle scale e si fonde senza soluzione di continuità con il paesaggio verde circostante. Al di sotto, uno spazio simile a una grotta emerge adiacente alla piazza orientale. Questa struttura non solo protegge la scala mobile dalla caduta delle foglie, ma offre anche un’area riparata all’interno della piazza, proteggendo dalla luce del sole e dalla pioggia e offrendo al contempo un luogo semi-esterno per varie attività.

Strutturalmente l’architettura impiega strutture irregolari in acciaio, con uno spazio di 30 metri senza colonne sostenuto da due archi rettangolari obliqui in acciaio. Le travi ad arco, i pozzi verticali degli ascensori e i muri di contenimento in traliccio d’acciaio lavorano in tandem per formare l’ossatura strutturale primaria dello spazio. Pannelli decorativi curvi in acciaio inox sono fissati poi a questa struttura, mentre le pareti esterne e il tetto sono ornati da fioriere verdi.

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu

Reform, The Opened Land – Redevelopment Design of the Eastern Entrance of Shenzhen People’s Park, Shenzhen, Cina, 2023 Foto Sai Shu