Miklós Kiss ha trasformato un bagno pubblico di Budapest in una galleria d’arte

Pop&Roll combina arte e design, esponendo un centinaio di opere tra estetiche da gioco pixel anni ‘80-‘90.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

Con colori vibranti e riferimenti eclettici all’arte neo-pop, Pop&Roll, dell’artista ungherese Miklós Kiss, invita i passanti di Budapest a entrare in una galleria d’arte immersiva e in un negozio che fa anche da bagno pubblico. Le pareti, gli arredi e ciascuno dei 20 bagni servono da supporto per esporre circa un centinaio di opere, con immagini ispirate al mondo dei giochi pixel degli anni ‘80 e ‘90.

Pop&Roll comprende tre spazi distinti: la Galleria d’Arte, il Negozio d’Arte e il Bagno d’Arte, che offrono un modo accessibile e divertente di interagire con il mondo dell’arte contemporanea. Il bagno, in particolare, è un'immersione multisensoriale, con tanto di sound design e profumi. Le musiche seguono il mondo di un videogioco immaginario, come se si stesse attraversando una scena di battaglia in un dungeon fino alla vittoria finale. Goldenroaches ed Emograms, create in origine come immagini Nft, sono sparse in tutta la mostra. Le facce delle figure sono composte da lettere, che esprimono emozioni e pensieri.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.

POP&ROLL. Budapest, Hungary.

Photo by Daniel Herendi. Image courtesy of Miklós Kiss.