La performance di JR davanti all’Opéra di Parigi “per scacciare insieme il buio”

Chiroptera è il titolo dello spettacolo che ha attivato la facciata del famoso teatro parigino passando alla storia.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France. Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Dopo aver completamente trasformato la facciata dell’Opéra a Parigi in una rivisitazione della caverna platonica, la sera del 12 novembre JR l’ha attivata con una performance – intitolata Chiroptera – che ha visto la partecipazione di 153 danzatori – tra cui Amandine Albisson, prima ballerina dell’Opéra – muoversi seguendo una coreografia di Damien Jalet sulla musica di Thomas Banglater.

Tutto il percorso artistico pensato da JR per attivare l’esterno del famoso teatro parigino si fonda sul rapporto tra luce e oscurità, gli estremi opposti di un tensore inestinguibile. Se in settembre, quando è stata rivelata l’installazione sulla facciata l’invito era di uscire dalla caverna per andare verso la luce, stavolta il suggerimento era diametralmente opposto, ovvero di rientrare nell’alveo simbolico nella caverna, accompagnati solo da un piccolo lume.

“In queste ultime settimane abbiamo visto talmente tanta oscurità intorno a noi che tutti – artisti,  ballerini – ci siamo fermati un momento e ci siamo chiesti: a cosa serve danzare? a cosa serve creare? a cosa serve fare uno show davanti all’Opéra in mezzo a tutta questa oscurità? Ma il nostro ruolo in quanto artisti è sempre quello di andare verso la luce. Lo sappiamo bene: l’oscurità non si scaccia attraverso l’oscurità, l’oscurità si scaccia anche solo con un minuscolo lume”, queste le parole di JR, riportate anche dalla ministra della Cultura francese Rima Abdulmalak.

A proposito del titolo: i chiròtteri, sono i pipistrelli, l’unico ordine di mammiferi che possegga la facoltà di volare.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.

Chiroptera by Jr (2023). Paris, France.

Screenshot. Image courtesy of JR/Opéra Garnier.