I fabbricati un tempo usati dalle ferrovie nazionali olandesi sono stati riconvertiti da un gruppo di architetti formato da Civic Architects, Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau e Inside Outside/Petra Blaisse, mentre Mecanoo ha realizzato l’arredamento interno della biblioteca, del caffè e degli spazi degli uffici che ora vi sono sistemati. Gli elementi d’acciaio che sono stati aggiunti giocano sull’estetica industriale, mentre l’introduzione di superfici di rovere e di una gamma cromatica di toni del rosso e dell’arancio dà un tocco di atmosfera domestica. Il progetto vuole garantire adattabilità all’ambiente di lavoro, dal polo sociale della gamma, rappresentato dal caffè, ai più appartati spazi delle scrivanie della biblioteca. Un “paesaggio di scale” di legno si sdoppia come uno spazio di lavoro improvvisato nel percorso verso il piano superiore, mentre i binari ferroviari, lasciati a vista sul pavimento di calcestruzzo, si possono usare per cambiare la sistemazione dei tavoli. In uno spazio concepito anche per l’organizzazione di eventi questi tavoli possono essere allineati a creare palchi e passerelle oppure fatti scorrere all’esterno.
Mecanoo e Civic Architects riconvertono una rimessa ferroviaria in uno spazio di coworking per Tilburg
LocHal è un nuovo spazio di cultura e di ritrovo inserito nell’edificio di un deposito di locomotive olandese degli anni Trenta.
Sezione trasversale 2
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- Jessica Mairs
- 28 gennaio 2019

LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Pianta del sito
Sezione trasversale 1
LocHal comprises a library, coworking space and cafe set within the shell of a 1930s locomotive shed in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Sezione longitudinale
Pianta del primo piano
Ground floor plan
Pianta del secondo piano