Liliana Moro

The exhibition at the PAC in Milan, open from 26 June to 15 September, is an exploration of the work of the Milanese artist.

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Le Nomadi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Kunstmuseum Vaduz. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger, Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto La Passeggiata. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto ...senza fine. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography, Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Moi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Rodeo, Pireus. Photo Credit Stathis Mamalakis. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Spazi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger, Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist 

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto Sundown, City Life. Photo Credit Marco Cappelletti. Courtesy the artist

Liliana Moro, an artist born in Milan in 1961, returns home for “Andante con Moto”, her first large-scale solo exhibition organised by the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein in collaboration with the PAC, Milan. The exhibition looks back over her multifaceted career, from her debut at the end of the Eighties to her more recent works, with a particular focus on her relationship with sound. Based on constant and profound listening, Liliana Moro’s work invites observers to focus attentively on the sounds of the world that surrounds us, which are often neglected in the midst of our frenetic daily lives. Her work invites us to slow down, to stop and listen carefully, not only with our ears, but with our whole being. It is an active way of listening that embraces new forms of perception, rendering us more aware of ourselves and of the world that surrounds us.

Un Temps. Photo Credit Clarisse Doussot e Jean Jean. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

An exploration of multiple languages of expressionl, the exhibition at the PAC Milan accompanies visitors through the various stages of Liliana Moro’s career, which bear witness to her inexhaustible curiosity and her ability to express herself through a multitude of languages; sound, words, sculpture, performance, drawing, collage and video. Each work is a unique experience, an invitation to reflect, to be moved, and to look beneath the surface. Moro’s work often takes its cue from everyday objects and situations, which are transformed by her artistic sensitivity. A chair becomes a musical instrument, a simple sheet of paper becomes a work of art. Moro invites us to look beyond the apparently obvious to explore the poetry hidden within simple objects. An immersive experience for visitors that involves all the senses. The sounds, installations and performances lead us into the world of Liliana Moro, a world of harmony, sensation and profound reflection. A form of art that is never static; constantly communicating. From 26 June to 15 September 2024. Liliana Moro, Andante con moto.

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Le Nomadi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Kunstmuseum Vaduz. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger, Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

La Passeggiata. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

...senza fine. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography, Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Moi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Rodeo, Pireus. Photo Credit Stathis Mamalakis. Courtesy the artist and Rodeo, London / Piraeus

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Spazi. Photo Credit Stefan Altenburger, Photography Zurich. Courtesy the artist 

Liliana Moro: Andante con Moto

Sundown, City Life. Photo Credit Marco Cappelletti. Courtesy the artist