Valerio Adami: Painter of Ideas - An anthology at Palazzo Reale

The exhibition celebrates sixty years of the artist’s relentless activity with works from public and private collections, offering visitors a complete immersion in the master’s artistic universe.

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami, Broken Egg, 1963195x345.2 cm. Private collection. Courtesy Giò Marconi, Milan

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami, Doct. Sigm. Freud, 1972. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami, Intolerance, 1974. 210.3x350.5 cm. Private collection. Courtesy Giò Marconi, Milan

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. The Ascension, 1984. 198x147 cm. Private collection. Courtesy TEMPLON, Paris-Brussels-New York

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. The Spell of the Lake, 1984. 198x263 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. Penthesilea, 1994. 195x265 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. Vittorio Alfieri in the act of being tied to the chair, 1995. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. Landscape on the Ganges, Banaras, 1996. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. Aeneas Escaping from Troy with his father Anchises on his shoulders, 2009. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami, Drawing of Horse Boats and Other Stories in the Evening Sun, 2010. 198x265 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. The wailing wall, 2020, 162x130 cm. Galerie Templon. Courtesy TEMPLON, Paris-Brussels-New York

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami, Autoportrait, 1983. 198x147 cm. Collezione Adami. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan Valerio Adami. Interior, 1967. 81x100 cm. Florence private collection. Courtesy Tornabuoni Arte

“Muse that accompanies the drawing, brings the hand to the sheet, imagination to reality, vision to reason”. Valerio Adami Palazzo Reale opens its doors to a fascinating journey that explores the art of Valerio Adami, a prominent Italian master on the European and international art scene. The anthology “Valerio Adami Painter of Ideas”, running from 17 July to 22 September 2024, celebrates sixty years of the artist’s unwavering work, offering the public a unique opportunity for an in-depth exploration of his unmistakeable art and technique. Born in Bologna in 1935, Adami has spent his life between Italy and France, shaping his art through the intersection between different cultures and ideas. His painting, characterised by works with immediate visual impact, has seen him approach the field of Pop Art, but Adami goes way beyond simple figurative representation.

Valerio Adami, Gandhi, 2016. 198x147 cm. Adami collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Behind the two-dimensional surface of his pictures lies a profound narrative rich in visual metaphors and philosophical, literary and mythological references. Adami presents himself as a true “painter of ideas”, capable of translating complex concepts into images and of addressing the great questions of human existence. Adami’s works not only depict reality; they interpret and interrogate it, forming dialogues with the philosophical ferment of his time. His art is thus an exploration of identity, of memory, of the relationship between the individual and society, and of the eternal dualism between rationality and instinct. The exhibition “Valerio Adami Painter of Ideas”, organised in collaboration with the Valerio Adami Archive, offers visitors a dive into the depths of the master’s artistic universe. Through an articulated itinerary, the exhibition presents a selection of works that reflect the various stages of his career, from his early expressionist days to his experiments with the abstract, to the definition of his unique and recognisable figurative style.

Valerio Adami, From Raphael's Transfiguration, 2007. 198x147 cm. Adami collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

The works on display, on loan from private and public collections in both Italy and abroad, dialogue with the baroque settings of Palazzo Reale, creating an evocative and elegant atmosphere. Visitors are invited to allow themselves to be immersed in the expressive power of Adami’s paintings, deciphering the symbolic ciphers that lie within and to reflect on the universal themes that the artist addresses. “Valerio Adami Painter of Ideas” is an essential event for lovers of modern and contemporary art, a unique opportunity to explore the skill of an artist who has contributed to defining the artistic landscape of the 20th century and who continues to pose questions with his profound poetry and his unmistakable pictorial language.

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami, Broken Egg, 1963195x345.2 cm. Private collection. Courtesy Giò Marconi, Milan

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami, Doct. Sigm. Freud, 1972. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami, Intolerance, 1974. 210.3x350.5 cm. Private collection. Courtesy Giò Marconi, Milan

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. The Ascension, 1984. 198x147 cm. Private collection. Courtesy TEMPLON, Paris-Brussels-New York

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. The Spell of the Lake, 1984. 198x263 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. Penthesilea, 1994. 195x265 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. Vittorio Alfieri in the act of being tied to the chair, 1995. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. Landscape on the Ganges, Banaras, 1996. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. Aeneas Escaping from Troy with his father Anchises on his shoulders, 2009. 198x147 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami, Drawing of Horse Boats and Other Stories in the Evening Sun, 2010. 198x265 cm. Adami Collection. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. The wailing wall, 2020, 162x130 cm. Galerie Templon. Courtesy TEMPLON, Paris-Brussels-New York

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami, Autoportrait, 1983. 198x147 cm. Collezione Adami. Courtesy Archivio Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami. Painter of Ideas, July 17 - September 22, 2024, Palazzo Reale, Milan

Valerio Adami. Interior, 1967. 81x100 cm. Florence private collection. Courtesy Tornabuoni Arte