The Wood-Skin® systems are realised with unusual materials that have high acoustic performances – such as cork, wood or laminates – and they can be implemented with a patented technology that allows the panel to fold, just like an origami would. Mesh Sheets is a system to easily create smooth tridimensional surfaces. The Wood-Skin® technology unlocks new design potential for flat and rigid materials, allowing the construction of architectural membranes with the same functional properties and look-and-feel of macro-tissues.
Organic forms with Wood-Skin®
Coating systems based on Wood-Skin® technology, Mesh Sheets and Fold Panels allow to create unseen three-dimensional surfaces.
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- 29 January 2018
Fold Panels, invece, sono pannelli tridimensionali dalle geometrie accattivanti, che prendono forma all’interno di un modulo rettangolare (singolo o doppio), disponibili anche in versione acustica. I Fold Panels sono la soluzione ideale per trasformare uno spazio, arredandolo con un semplice gesto, con tutti i colori del legno o la finitura che meglio si sposa al progetto.