Multidisciplinary designer Ini Archibong has unveiled his packaging for Gin and Juice, the canned beverage brand recently launched by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. The debut of this project in the luxury spirits sector directly draws upon the cultural influence of these two musical giants, and Archibong’s design work for the brand further enriches the products with references that evoke a certain atmosphere.
Ini Archibong collaborates with Dre and Snoop: beware, it's “explicit content”
The designer created the packaging for Gin and Juice, the beverage line by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. The can graphics feature the “Parental Advisory, Explicit Content” iconography.
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- Lucia Brandoli
- 03 September 2024
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Snoop’s debut album, Doggystyle, produced by Dr. Dre, the canned beverage has been named after the rapper’s second famous single released in 1994, which was also Grammy-nominated, “Gin & Juice”. It is available in four flavors—Citrus, Melon, Passionfruit, and Apricot—each accompanied by a distinct design and creative vision.
Raised in Los Angeles, Archibong draws from influences that span various cultural fields, primarily design, art, and music, among others. The packaging incorporates the “Parental Advisory, Explicit Content” iconography, which is particularly emblematic of the era when the song was released. Below it, the classic lowrider, illustrated by artist Wayne Johnson and color-coordinated with the flavor, stands out against the white background as if it were displayed in a museum.
Image credit: Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop, Dominic Leon.
Image credit: Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop, Dominic Leon.
Image credit: Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop, Dominic Leon.