Making Light

This year, Foscarini is giving its entire Brera showroom over to an exciting journey through light forms in six rooms created by Giovanni Maria Filindeu. #MDW2017

With its “Fare Luce” claim, this year Foscarini is year giving over the entire showroom in via Fiori Chiari, Brera, to an immersive experience, an exciting voyage exploring light. Designer Giovanni Maria Filindeu has created six different rooms, corresponding to as many light forms, “gauging their evocative dimension”, he explains.

Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017
Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017

  From the first encounter with the light in a small all-white room that allows the sun’s rays to enter through a curtain, it becomes more architectural in a room made of in light-coloured wood and dozens of small round openings. Then comes the more mystical and meditative, with a room clad entirely with Sardinian granite and narrating the gift of light, allowing it to filter in blade-form from the roof.

Giovanni Maria Filindeu, Fare Luce, installation view at the Foscarini showroom, Milan, 2017

Personal references also appear, such as a sunrise photographed from the beach at Capo Comino, the easternmost point of Sardinia where Filindeu would go as a child to switch on the lighthouse beacon. It continues along a rainbow to the courtyard where the light, on two Apuan marble braziers, becomes flame and so force and energy.

Giovanni Maria Filindeu, potrait, Foscarini showroom, 2017

4 – 9 April 2017
Making Light

Foscarini Spazio Brera
via Fiori Chiari 28, Milan