Soap-making Tests

The duo Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse realized an experimental research on the process of fat saponification with the aim to transform a raw material into form, colour, texture.

This is the result of the collaboration between Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse and showcases the results of an experimental research on the process of saponification where through an exothermic reaction, following the addition of lye, fat is transformed into soap.

Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse, Soap-making Tests

The challenge was to transform some of the dirtiest fats out there into a thing of beauty, not only by purifying them and turning them into good smelling soap but also by making objects with them.

The duo collected refried oil from fish and chips shops and fat trimmings from butchers in Tottenham, North London. These were then filtered and saponified with lye and a mix of natural pigments to create a palette of material samples. The outcome of this research are a series of geometrical sculptures which act as an aesthetic assembly of some of the samples.

Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse, Soap-making Tests

The hair vase is a reference to the african tradition of protecting a household from bad spirits by dipping a horse tail on black soap and using it to chase bad spirits away. It was made by making a large block of pig lard soap mixed with charcoal and turned on the lathe to create the lid body and base.

Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse, Soap-making Tests
Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse, Soap-making Tests
Federico Floriani and Fernando Laposse, Soap-making Tests