Seoungho Cho's Buoy fills the famous square with the golden, mysterious landscape of Death Valley, California. The installation reflects on the polar extremes of this desert, which was once the floor of a vast sea, now traversed by sight-seeing tourists. In contrast to the horizontal landscape, which floats ceaselessly past Cho's camera, vertical "strata" pattern the imagery, creating an axis between natural landscape and Cho's composition. Cho accumulated his Death Valley footage over several years; the vertical patterning further represents the collapse of this footage into what appears to be a continuous drive through the desert.
Each month, for Times Square Moment: A Digital Gallery, a new work will be screened every day in a countdown to midnight. The participating sign holders have committed to synchronizing their daily programs in order to open up an unparalleled space for moving image art in one of the most dynamic media landscapes in the world.
Seoungho Cho: Buoy
Times Square, New York
23:57 to 24:00