Performance tells of the ambiguous relationship between food and advertising

Ristorante di Attenzione, designed by Noam Youngrak Son, transforms food into images to be consumed, as in social media.

“Our foods are specifically designed to provide an eating experience as a media for the advertisements.” Ristorante di Attenzione is a performance by designer Noam Youngrak Son that investigates the increasingly close relationship between food and image industries. Those that rotate on the classic tray that we find in every All you can eat, are not real dishes but a representation of them, so the people involved are transformed from customers into goods.

With the excuse of inviting participants to eat for free, the designer makes them sit at the table, so they passively undergo the food/message that flows on it. Based on their choices, the waiter/algorithm analyses the customer’s preferences to best meet his (commercial) needs. The “meal” is used as a moment of critical discussion about the ubiquity of advertising in contemporary times and its role in our food choices and beyond.

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione

Ristorante di Attenzione