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Vienna, Calatrava takes flight
For the first time the work of an architect – and what’s more a contemporary one – “takes over” at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. An honour (and consequent responsibility) handed to Santiago Calatrava. His bridges, museums, railway stations, airports and concert halls, spread around Europe and the US, feature in an extensive retrospective which aims to highlight the unconventional nature of the Spanish architect’s work, able to unite art with nature.
With around forty models, part of the architect’s own collection, and a number of watercolours, the exhibitions reveals a unique relationship – that between a building and a bird. Emphasising the concept, an entire gallery in the museum is dedicated to the subject of ornithology, a source of inspiration in terms of both form and structure.
until 25.5.2003 Santiago Calatrava. Like a bird Kunshistorisches Museum, Vienna