Foreign Office Architects at the Venice Biennale

The countdown has started for the Architecture biennial - with the opening six months away (Venice, 6 September 2002), the names of some of the invited architects are being announced. Amongst these is UK practice Foreign Office Architects who were competing against Alison Brooks Architects, Adjaye Associates and de Rijke Marsh Morgan and East to represent the United Kingdom. The practice is lead by a couple of Hispanic/Iranian origins, Alejandro Zaera Polo and Farshid Moussavi and was started up in London in 1992.

Candidates were asked to present an idea which described their particular approach to their work, communicated by means of an installation - in other words something rather different from the conventional exhibition. The winning practice, who have an office in Tokyo as well as London, made a proposal organised around five themes: landscape, the absence of confines, non organic growth, the complexity of building and truth + technology. Backing up the theory is a real project, the Yokohama International Ferry Terminal, winner of a competition held in 1995 and due to be completed for May 2002.
Aerial view of the Yokohama International Ferry Terminal
Aerial view of the Yokohama International Ferry Terminal
Terminal in construction in the port of Yokohama
Terminal in construction in the port of Yokohama

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