EUmies Awards 2024 finalists shortlisted

The award is one of the most relevant in Europe and selects excellent works iin architecture, capable of representing the continent’s cultural values.

Son of a Shingle – Vaksali pedestrian bridge and underpasses by PART architects. Tartu, Estonia. Photography by Tõnu Tunnel.

IKEA Vienna western station / IKEA – the good neighbour in the city by querkraft architekten ZT gmbh. Vienna, Austria. Photography by Herta Hurnaus.

Targ Blonie (Food Market) by Pracownia Architektoniczna Aleksandra Wasilkowska. Błonie, Poland. Photography by Nate Cook.

Art Pavilion M. by Studio Ossidiana. Almere, The Netherlands. Photograohy by Riccardo De Vecchi.

Reconstruction and extension and of the Slovak National Gallery by Architekti B.K.P.Š.. Bratislava, Slovakia. Photography by Matej Hakar.

Light Rail Tunnel by allmannwappner. Karlsruhe, Germany. Photography by Brigida Gonzáles.

Média Library Charles Nègre by Beaudouin Architectes; Ivry Serres Architecture. Grasse, France Photography by Fernando Guerra.

Refurbishment and extension of a community swimming pool by RAUM. Saint-Méen-Le-Grand, France. Photography by Charles Bouchaïb.

Lonja Wetlands Wildlife Observatories and Visitor Centre by roth&čerina. Osekovo, Croatia. Photography by Marko Mihaljević.

Building Community Kurfürstenstrasse by June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff. Berlin, Germany. Fotography by Laurian Ghinitoiu.

Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François by Amelia Tavella Architectes. Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano, France. Photography by Thibaut Dini.

Liknon by K-Studio. Samos, Greece. Fotography by Claus Brechenmacher and Reiner Baumann.

Municipal Pools in Castromonte by Óscar Miguel Ares. CONTEXTOS DE ARQUITECTURA Y URBANISMO. Castromonte, Spain. Photography by Ana Amado.

The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Awards’ jury – formed by Frédéric Druot (chairman), Martin Braathen, Pippo Ciorra, Tinatin Gurgenidze, Adriana Krnáčová, Sala Makumbundu, and Hrvoje Njiric – have chosen the 40 shortlisted works of this year.

The shortlisted projects are spread out in 38 European cities, 33 regions, and 20 countries. There are 2 works in the Berlin region, Brussels region, Catalonia, Central Portugal, Flanders, Vienna region, and Pannonian Croatia, and the other 26 works are spread around Europe. Spain has six shortlisted works, four are in Belgium and Germany, three in Croatia, France, and Portugal, two in Austria, Slovenia and Sweden, and one in Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.

In the selection there are 14 different programs including Collective Housing, Cultural and Educational Buildings which account for half the selection and works which tackle with Food & Accommodation, Government & Civic, Health, Industry, Infrastructure, Landscape, Mixed use, Single house, Sport & Leisure, Ephemeral and Urban planning.

The award ceremony will take place on May 13/14, 2024, at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona. The event will also include an exhibition featuring the 362 works participating in the prize.

Son of a Shingle – Vaksali pedestrian bridge and underpasses by PART architects. Tartu, Estonia.

Photography by Tõnu Tunnel.

IKEA Vienna western station / IKEA – the good neighbour in the city by querkraft architekten ZT gmbh. Vienna, Austria.

Photography by Herta Hurnaus.

Targ Blonie (Food Market) by Pracownia Architektoniczna Aleksandra Wasilkowska. Błonie, Poland.

Photography by Nate Cook.

Art Pavilion M. by Studio Ossidiana. Almere, The Netherlands.

Photograohy by Riccardo De Vecchi.

Reconstruction and extension and of the Slovak National Gallery by Architekti B.K.P.Š.. Bratislava, Slovakia.

Photography by Matej Hakar.

Light Rail Tunnel by allmannwappner. Karlsruhe, Germany.

Photography by Brigida Gonzáles.

Média Library Charles Nègre by Beaudouin Architectes; Ivry Serres Architecture. Grasse, France

Photography by Fernando Guerra.

Refurbishment and extension of a community swimming pool by RAUM. Saint-Méen-Le-Grand, France.

Photography by Charles Bouchaïb.

Lonja Wetlands Wildlife Observatories and Visitor Centre by roth&čerina. Osekovo, Croatia.

Photography by Marko Mihaljević.

Building Community Kurfürstenstrasse by June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff. Berlin, Germany.

Fotography by Laurian Ghinitoiu.

Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François by Amelia Tavella Architectes. Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano, France.

Photography by Thibaut Dini.

Liknon by K-Studio. Samos, Greece.

Fotography by Claus Brechenmacher and Reiner Baumann.

Municipal Pools in Castromonte by Óscar Miguel Ares. CONTEXTOS DE ARQUITECTURA Y URBANISMO. Castromonte, Spain.

Photography by Ana Amado.