Fragile Italy. The home is the theme of the December issue of Domus

Domus 1085 is a reflection on living. It comes with the monograph and the manifesto of the guest editor for 2024, Norman Foster. Browse through the gallery to discover the contents. 

Editorial/A country waiting to be invented ---

Text Walter Mariotti

Op-Ed/ The light and shadow of gentrification Comparing two contrasting visions, we try to understand how Italy is changing and the mechanisms regulating its economy and urban regeneration by looking at it from Milan, the recognised leading edge of ongoing transformations.

Text Jacopo Tondelli and Alberto Mingardi

Essays/ The remains of public architecture The city-building from the 1960s to the 1980s, or the public housing estates designed in the post-war period: are the projects of the recent past still valid models for inhabiting the city today?

Text Luca Garofalo

Essays/ Milan’s eclipse sheds light on Italy We urgently need a broad, critical and constructive laboratory on the issue of housing and its context: from urban, social and labour policies to culture and infrastructure. In this capacity, Milan can be the model from which to start.

Text Federica Verona

Architecture/ Via Antegnati social housing On the edge of Milan’s southern rural park, the project has regenerated five abandoned buildings to create an extensive social housing project.

Text Alessandro Benetti

Architecture/ Sila social housing, San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza The twin social housing buildings are part of a single project that implements strategies of care for the inhabitants and the landscape of the Calabrian plateau.

Text Maria Lorenza Crupi 

Architecture/ Son Cascina San Carlo Like a bridge to the neighbourhood, the project has transformed a derelict farmstead in the north-eastern outskirts of Milan by combining public spaces and residential services dedicated to the frail.

Text Giulia Ricci

Architecture/ St. Barbara nursing home In the centre of the South Tyrolean town of St. Leonhard in Passeier, the project has transformed a 1980s building into a facility for the elderly in contact with public life.

Text Giovanni Comoglio

Essays/ Living off campus In big cities, housing pressure has brought university students out into the streets. Theirs is not just a demand for square metres but for a “public city”, with accessible public amenities and dedicated services, a model of widespread student housing yet to be invented.

Text Elena Granata

Portfolio/ The geography of fragility The photographer’s lens directly captures the relationship between spaces and territories, with the humanity that inhabits them. This selection recounts places touched by social unrest and environmental crises, revealing scars and conveying the traits of different forms of coexistence.

Photos Filippo Romano

Op-Ed/ Be gone, romanticism Both qualitative and quantitative, the housing emergency is at the centre of a debate that underlies an anachronistic vision of the city and housing.

Text Emanuele Coccia

Territory/ Thinking about reconstruction Areas hit by violent environmental events have undergone reconstructions that differ in methods and time frames. The absence of a unified intervention model has made private contributions even more valuable.

Text Manuel Orazi

Territory/ Nothing beyond the container In the Italy of environmental disasters, it is hard to find quality housing solutions in terms of design, urban planning and management. What is missing is the systemic contribution of architects.

Text Marianna Guernieri

Art/ Humanising prison spaces In Palermo, internationally renowned curators and artists use art to introduce new semantics into prison spaces. By putting prisoners, social and healthcare workers as well as guards on the same level, their workshops transfer value from places to people.

Text Elena Sommariva

Architecture/ Designing reception Italy, a hub for flows of migrants across the Mediterranean, is the ideal space to experiment with new forms of inclusion and integration. The story of the most positive social housing projects

 Text Paola Carimati

Coverstory/ It was sea

 Text Francesca Seravalle

Diario. Italian journey/ Crespi D’Adda, a bright yet dark dream of workers’ architecture The late 19th-century village built by Cristoforo Crespi in the province of Bergamo illuminates a unique parabola where manufacturing and life were artificially composed.

Text Walter Mariotti

Diario. Graphics/ Thirty-three covers to convey the tone of Italo Calvino

Text Francesco Franchi

Diario. Materials/ In perfect iridescent balance between artificial and natural Attention to detail, formal rigour and colour research are the creative heart of the new wood designed by Konstantin Grcic for Alpi, available in three lines.

Text Loredana Mascheroni

Diario. Talenti/ The restless objects of Jonathan Bocca, between ancient and future

Text Silvana Annicchiarico

Diario. Mnemosine/ A folding chair that fills spaces with colour

Text Cristina Moro

Diario. Points of view/ Reimagining monuments Regenerating existing buildings is increasingly crucial, especially in terms of sustainability. But what happens when architects are called to engage with structures that have a complex history? We asked Winy Maas and Lawrence Scarpa.

Text Giulia Ricci

Domus 1085 is a special issue, curated by the Domus editorial staff, continuing the journey initiated in 2017 to narrate Italy. This seventh stage is about the home as a project – not only of architecture and design but also of community. This is because the home is, indeed, a universal human right, as well as the lens that allows us to understand a series of phenomena affecting the country. From touristification to the financialization of the market, from the depletion of the territory to the relationship with the vulnerabilities of those affected by disability, migrants, and those in a prison regime. In the editorial of Domus 1085, Editorial Director Walter Mariotti introduces the theme of the issue by highlighting an overview of the condition in which Italy finds itself today, traversing culture, climate change, and the market, and analyzing their impact on the sectors our magazine has covered since 1928. Following this, Jacopo Tondelli and Alberto Mingardi recount Italy starting from Milan and the ongoing gentrification in the Lombard capital. Luca Garofalo’s essay takes us on a journey through architecture in post-war public housing and the city-buildings of the 1970s and 1980s, complemented by a photographic series by Giovanna Silva. The article stands as a reflection on the housing models developed in those years and their relevance today. Federica Verona analyzes the housing situation in Milan, focusing on phenomena causing the expulsion of lower and middle classes from the city – from gentrification to short-term rentals. In this context, the financialization of the post-Expo and post-pandemic city has determined the urgent need to develop an alternative urban project capable of responding to the needs of both ‘the last and the first,’ through a vision and policies committed to housing for all. 

Portfolio/ The geography of fragility. Photo Filippo Romano

The projects presented all revolve around housing in relation to different types of fragility. Featured in these pages are the 5Square residences by Barreca & La Varra in Milan – presented by Alessandro Benetti – and the Sila Social Housing by Corvino + Multari in San Giovanni in Fiore (Cosenza) – presented by Maria Lorenza Crupi. Giulia Ricci narrates SON Cascina San Carlo, by B22 Stefano Tropea with Carlo Venegoni, a cluster of social services that includes residential units. Developed from the ‘After Us’ law, the intervention repurposes an old farmhouse in the northeast outskirts of Milan and the site’s ecosystem, creating a connection with the neighborhood community through a pavilion for public events and spaces for two associations. Similarly, the Santa Barbara nursing home by Pedevilla Architects – as emphasized by the text by Giovanni Comoglio – repurposes an old building in the center of the South Tyrolean municipality of San Leonardo in Passiria, allowing elderly residents to be an integral part of the public life of the town. Elena Granata’s essay provides an overview of the issue of student housing during the years of protests against the high cost of rent, expressed through the tent movement in the streets. Against the logic of single-function buildings exploited by certain speculation, students are not only asking for affordable prices but are formulating a more complex demand for a ‘public city,’ a model of widespread student housing yet to be invented. The photographic portfolio is by Filippo Romano. Through his lens, Romano has depicted social anxieties and the effects of environmental crises, showing how these intersect with the Italian territory and its inhabitants. From the scars left by the Vaia storm in the Alps to housing issues in cities, to construction projects left unfinished in Calabria, to the Tara River, a place of worship and bathing not far from the ILVA plant in Taranto, the portfolio is a journey that tells various Italian stories from north to south. Emanuele Coccia writes in his op-ed that ‘Houses are the most enduring garments of our moral customs.’ The philosopher identifies five interconnected forms of romanticism related to the domestic dimension. They belong to a time that no longer exists but still permeates our way of looking at living. 

Cover Domus 1085, December 2023

In the section dedicated to the territory, Manuel Orazi describes the processes that follow natural disasters such as earthquakes in Italy. Starting from responses to housing emergencies, Orazi describes how, in several cases, ‘little houses’ – emergency housing solutions known as SAE – have been used. Orazi highlights the absence of a unified intervention model, making the contribution of private individuals in the creation of community services aimed at bringing together vulnerable communities even more significant. Marianna Guernieri’s article follows, expanding on the theme of the design of emergency housing units and the lack of a systemic contribution from architects. Elena Sommariva focuses on the structural overcrowding of prison facilities and the work carried out by curators and internationally renowned artists in the Calogero Di Bona Ucciardone prison in Palermo. The workshops have had the effect of humanizing the spaces, creating unprecedented connections between inmates, socio-health workers, and guards. On the other hand, Paola Carimati tells the story of migrations in Italy, at the center of the Mediterranean. Starting with an interview with the former mayor of Riace, Mimmo Lucano, the journalist reviews the models and processes in place on the territory to welcome migrants, highlighting the need to rethink reception and integration in the country. The issue concludes with the cover story detailing the photographic and editorial project Era Mare by Matteo de Mayda, Bruno (Andrea Codolo and Giacomo Covacich), and Francesca Seravalle. The proceeds from the copies sold of the book, focused on the devastating effects of the high water in Venice in 2019, were donated to the cultural association Do.Ve, which helped the Dorsoduro district rise again after the night of November 12.

Cover of the Norman Foster monograph, guest editor 2024

The pages of the Diario, dedicated to current affairs as usual, open with the Italian Journey section by Walter Mariotti – the editorial director of Domus. He makes a stop in the industrial city of Crespi d’Adda in the province of Bergamo. Francesco Franchi, in the Graphics section, tells the story of the new covers for the Oscar Mondadori series for the works of Italo Calvino, on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birth. Loredana Mascheroni discusses Konstantin Grcic’s latest project for Alpi, while Silvana Annicchiarico, in the Talents section, introduces the designer Jonathan Bocca. Cristina Moro, in Mnemosine, presents the reissue of Zanotta’s folding armchair designed in 1968 by architects Jonathan De Pas, Donato D’Urbino, and Paolo Lomazzi for Bonacina. In the Points of View section, Giulia Ricci engages in a dialogue with architects Winy Maas and Lawrence Scarpa, co-founders of MVRDV (Netherlands) and Brooks + Scarpa (USA), on the redevelopment of buildings with symbolic value and a complex political history. The December issue concludes the year of Steven Holl and Toshiko Mori and presents Norman Foster as the guest editor for 2024. With the monograph, Domus tells the story of the British master through his experiences, passions, and some key projects of his work. However, it is with the manifesto that Foster personally explains the intentions that will guide his choices for the magazine in 2024, a year that will be dedicated to the future.

Opening image: Tourist in Piazza San Marco, Venice, 2019. Photo © Matteo de Mayda 

Editorial/A country waiting to be invented Text Walter Mariotti


Op-Ed/ The light and shadow of gentrification Text Jacopo Tondelli and Alberto Mingardi

Comparing two contrasting visions, we try to understand how Italy is changing and the mechanisms regulating its economy and urban regeneration by looking at it from Milan, the recognised leading edge of ongoing transformations.

Essays/ The remains of public architecture Text Luca Garofalo

The city-building from the 1960s to the 1980s, or the public housing estates designed in the post-war period: are the projects of the recent past still valid models for inhabiting the city today?

Essays/ Milan’s eclipse sheds light on Italy Text Federica Verona

We urgently need a broad, critical and constructive laboratory on the issue of housing and its context: from urban, social and labour policies to culture and infrastructure. In this capacity, Milan can be the model from which to start.

Architecture/ Via Antegnati social housing Text Alessandro Benetti

On the edge of Milan’s southern rural park, the project has regenerated five abandoned buildings to create an extensive social housing project.

Architecture/ Sila social housing, San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza Text Maria Lorenza Crupi 

The twin social housing buildings are part of a single project that implements strategies of care for the inhabitants and the landscape of the Calabrian plateau.

Architecture/ Son Cascina San Carlo Text Giulia Ricci

Like a bridge to the neighbourhood, the project has transformed a derelict farmstead in the north-eastern outskirts of Milan by combining public spaces and residential services dedicated to the frail.

Architecture/ St. Barbara nursing home Text Giovanni Comoglio

In the centre of the South Tyrolean town of St. Leonhard in Passeier, the project has transformed a 1980s building into a facility for the elderly in contact with public life.

Essays/ Living off campus Text Elena Granata

In big cities, housing pressure has brought university students out into the streets. Theirs is not just a demand for square metres but for a “public city”, with accessible public amenities and dedicated services, a model of widespread student housing yet to be invented.

Portfolio/ The geography of fragility Photos Filippo Romano

The photographer’s lens directly captures the relationship between spaces and territories, with the humanity that inhabits them. This selection recounts places touched by social unrest and environmental crises, revealing scars and conveying the traits of different forms of coexistence.

Op-Ed/ Be gone, romanticism Text Emanuele Coccia

Both qualitative and quantitative, the housing emergency is at the centre of a debate that underlies an anachronistic vision of the city and housing.

Territory/ Thinking about reconstruction Text Manuel Orazi

Areas hit by violent environmental events have undergone reconstructions that differ in methods and time frames. The absence of a unified intervention model has made private contributions even more valuable.

Territory/ Nothing beyond the container Text Marianna Guernieri

In the Italy of environmental disasters, it is hard to find quality housing solutions in terms of design, urban planning and management. What is missing is the systemic contribution of architects.

Art/ Humanising prison spaces Text Elena Sommariva

In Palermo, internationally renowned curators and artists use art to introduce new semantics into prison spaces. By putting prisoners, social and healthcare workers as well as guards on the same level, their workshops transfer value from places to people.

Architecture/ Designing reception  Text Paola Carimati

Italy, a hub for flows of migrants across the Mediterranean, is the ideal space to experiment with new forms of inclusion and integration. The story of the most positive social housing projects

Coverstory/ It was sea  Text Francesca Seravalle

Diario. Italian journey/ Crespi D’Adda, a bright yet dark dream of workers’ architecture Text Walter Mariotti

The late 19th-century village built by Cristoforo Crespi in the province of Bergamo illuminates a unique parabola where manufacturing and life were artificially composed.

Diario. Graphics/ Thirty-three covers to convey the tone of Italo Calvino Text Francesco Franchi

Diario. Materials/ In perfect iridescent balance between artificial and natural Text Loredana Mascheroni

Attention to detail, formal rigour and colour research are the creative heart of the new wood designed by Konstantin Grcic for Alpi, available in three lines.

Diario. Talenti/ The restless objects of Jonathan Bocca, between ancient and future Text Silvana Annicchiarico

Diario. Mnemosine/ A folding chair that fills spaces with colour Text Cristina Moro

Diario. Points of view/ Reimagining monuments Text Giulia Ricci

Regenerating existing buildings is increasingly crucial, especially in terms of sustainability. But what happens when architects are called to engage with structures that have a complex history? We asked Winy Maas and Lawrence Scarpa.