Huge installation shows the future projects of Saudi Arabia

For Vision 2030 Portals, a 40m tunnel is divided into kaleidoscopic areas that show future scenarios of the Gulf country.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia. Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

STUFISH Entertainment Architects presented its latest installation, “Vision 2030 Portals”, at the Cityscape 2023 in Saudi Arabia. The mirror tunnel – 40m long, 7m high, and 3m wide – shows in loops the ambitious giga-projects of Saudi Vision 2030 (NEOM, ROSHN, Qiddiya, and Red Sea Global), through seven segments – or kaleidoscopiczones – that host projections of future scenarios and environments: The Line, the horizontal megalopolis; Oxagon, the first fully automated port in the world; AlUla, a UNESCO world heritage site.

Thanks to a cladding of LED tiles, the videos change continuously every 45 seconds with various graphic transitions of 15 seconds. “With the experience, from the entry of the tunnel to the exit, lasting 45 seconds we wanted to make the transitions mesmerising enough for people to want to return and experience each type’ says MAciej Woroniecki, partner at STUFISH Entertainment Architects,” said Maciej Woroniecki, partner of STUFISH Entertainment Architects.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.

Vision 2030 Portals, Cityscape 2023. Saudi Arabia.

Photography by Ankit Gupta. Image courtesy of City Scape 2023.