Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate will reopen to the public

By the end of June 2024, visitors will once again be able to admire “The Bean,” the monumental sculpture by the British-American artist that became one of Chicago’s most iconic sights.

A spokesperson within Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events recently announced to the local news outlet WGN the reopening to the public of the very popular ”bean” by Anish Kapoor,  one of the artist’s best-known works and an emblem of his poetics, which has become a top-ranked tourist attraction in the Midwest.

Photo Darren Green from Adobe Stock

This large-scale public art installation, built on the AT&T Plaza in Millenium Park in Chicago’s business district, was cut off for almost a year following maintenance interventions and structural implementations, including rebuilding the plaza podium, replacing pavers and making accessibility upgrades.

Although Cloud Gate may appear fluid and light, thanks to its 168 stainless steel plates that resemble the texture of liquid mercury, its creation required lengthy construction times and a total investment of $23 million to support its over 100 tons of weight. Unlike the smaller version installed last year under Herzog & De Meurons’ Jenga Tower, the outdoor sculpture has a perfectly polished and mirror-like surface, which reflects through its physical structure a distorted image of the surrounding city’s landscape, allowing the visitors to see their image from a variety of angles as well.

Opening image: Chicago city reflects by Beatrice Preve, from Adobe Stock

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