Steven Holl in Rome on the occasion of a Diasen event

On 27 June, at the Acquario Romano, editorial director Walter Mariotti will moderate the meeting by 2023 guest editor.

The connection between materials, architecture, and art has shaped our civilization, influencing the way we live and perceive the world around us, as well as the practice of designers and creatives. Diasen, a company known for producing innovative solutions based on the sustainability of Mediterranean materials and the regenerative virtues of cork, has organized the event “Gazes on Material: the truth of making between architecture and art,” to be held at the Acquario Romano on June 27th at 5:30 PM, featuring an exclusive lecture by Steven Holl entitled “Art Drives Architecture.”

The meeting will be moderated and conducted by our Editorial Director, Walter Mariotti, and in addition to Holl, it will feature prominent figures from the world of architecture: Diego Mingarelli, President of Diasen, will illustrate how the choice of materials impacts the livability, aesthetics, and sustainability of buildings; Elena Tinacci, an architectural historian, will outline the connections between art and architecture throughout history, showing how these two fields influence each other; Mino Caggiula, a student of Holl, will talk about his professional experience and how Holl’s influence has affected his design vision and professional evolution.

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