La matita rossa

20 young designers at the faculty of Design and Art of the Libera Università di Bolzano re-interpreted the simple function of the pencil sharpener.

Claudio Larcher, Eugenia Morpurgo and Alvise Mattozzi coordinated 20 young designers from the faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano to re-interpret the simple function of the pencil sharpener.

Expanding on the well known tactile experience they developed new gestures. This results in new forms and materials to playfully achieve a new route to the same result – a perfectly sharpened pencil.

<b>Top</b>: Luca Mantenuto, Finn Icky. <b>Above</b>: La matita rossa
Albert Jovanì Guiral, Il libro vetrato
Alessandro Bussi, Alessandro Bussi
Anna Vettori
Barbara Rossaro
Beatrice Macor, Sharp’n bite
Caterina Nebl, O
Marinetta Gorassini, Red Dagger
Michela Franch, The Sharpenering

La matita rossa
Project mentored by Claudio Larcher, Eugenia Morpurgo, Alvise Mattozzi