Fever Scout

Gadi Amit and NewDealDesign conceived a soft patch to constantly monitor the temperature of children and send the information to parents’ smartphone.

NewDealDesign, Fever Scout, VivaLnk
Fever Scout – Gadi Amit and the NewDealDesign’ latest project for Silicon Valley-based tech company VivaLnk – is a flexible and soft wearable thermometer that helps parents and caregivers keep on top of a child’s temperature.
Wirelessly connected to a smartphone, Vivalnk uses Bluetooth LE to automatically and continuously measure temperature so parents can give their loved ones the best care possible, and children can rest soundly.
NewDealDesign, Fever Scout, VivaLnk
NewDealDesign, Fever Scout, VivaLnk
Made for kids, but built for parents, Fever Scout attaches securely with a gently removable adhesive strip, monitors temperature for up to a week, and is rechargeable and reusable with additional adhesives.
The flexible patch is a playful and colourful symbol, but it is also based on a strong architectural understanding. Separating Bluetooth and sensors as far from one another as possible helps to increase connection range and measurement efficacy, while colour acts as a subtle cue to how best place Fever Scout for optimal monitoring.  Each patch lasts for over a week on a full charge.

Interaction with Fever Scout takes place through a clean and intuitive iOS app. Designed to eschew complexity for intuitiveness of use, interaction follows the mantra less is more from setup to use. A simple tap ensures quick paring between Fever Scout and phone and two main modalities provide both base and in-depth levels of interactions.

A temperature alert level selected during paring automatically push’s notifications to your device when certain temperature or events take place – reducing reliance and stress associated with in-app update fatigue.

If one chooses to dive deeper, Fever Scouts app presents temperature data over the critically important 12-hour interval. Spikes and lull’s are quickly visible on this clock like view, while annotations add a secondary layer of depth; gave aspirin at this time followed by a glass of water et al. These in-depth charts and notes are saved so you can garner insight into what works over time and are easily exported to your doctor.

Finally, multiple children and users can be easily added and managed, while an ad-hoc network of Wi-Fi ensures that as long as Fever Scout is connected with a device, a parent or caregiver can stay informed through their personal account or VivaLnk’s Cloud Service.

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