The Pinch: phase II

Olivier Ottevaere and John Lin completed the second phase of The Pinch, a library and community center in Shuanghe Village, Yunnan Province, China.

The Pinch: phase II
In November 2013 was completed the first phase of The Pinch, a library and community center in Shuanghe Village, Yunnan Province, China, part of a government led reconstruction effort after an earthquake in September 2012.
In the first phase of the project, the structure was erected, consisting of a series of trusses, anchored between the upper road level and lower plaza level.
The Pinch: phase II
Olivier Ottevaere and John Lin, The Pinch, Shuanghe Village, Yunnan Province, China
The interior and enclosure for the library were completed in phase two. The trusses extend downward to support a sequence of hanging bookshelves. Simple traditional school benches are used as chairs. The polycarbonate doors can open to create a completely open space extending out to the plaza.

The Pinch, Shuanghe Village, Yunnan Province, China
Program: Library and Community Center
Architects: Olivier Ottevaere and John Lin / The University of Hong Kong
Construction: Kunming Dianmuju Shangmao Company
Funding: Supported by the Knowledge Exchange Impact Award, HKU
Project Team: Crystal Kwan (Project Manager), Ashley Hinchcliffe, Connie Cheng, Johnny Cullinan, Jacky Huang
Area: 80 sqm
Completion: April 2014

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