Chapel of Sant’Anna

Studio Galantini was involved in the restoration project of the Sant’Anna Chapel: a philological operation that maintained the structural and aesthetic integrity of the building.

The Chapel of Sant’Anna arises in a residential complex located at Torre del Lago, Viareggio’s hamlet (Italy), inside a natural park’s area, close to the sea.

Valdemaro Barbetta, Chapel of Sant’Anna, Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca. Restoration by Studio Galantini

The Church, built on engineer Vardemaro Barbetta’s project in 1973, is highly characterized by the structural work: three gantries are settled by two balks that statically frame a three hinges portal. The hinges are made of steel and they are placed at the foot and at the top of the structure, resolving the building architecturally and structurally.

The restoration work recreated the wooden parts and recovered the mechanical essentiality of the steel hinges, preserving the original roof cladding, because of its integration with the surrounding pinewood.

Valdemaro Barbetta, Chapel of Sant’Anna, Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca. Restoration by Studio Galantini
Valdemaro Barbetta, Chapel of Sant’Anna, Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca. Restoration by Studio Galantini. Render
Valdemaro Barbetta, Chapel of Sant’Anna, Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca. Restoration by Studio Galantini. Elevations

Chapel of Sant’Anna, Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca
Original Project: Valdemaro Barbetta
Restoration: Studio Galantini
Engineering: Renato Terziani
Contractor: Antica Toscana
Client: Curch ofi San Giuseppe
Completion: 2013