Archigram Lifestyle enters the world of music

The atmosphere and graphics of the period in which the Archigram Group proposed new models for living have been adopted by the S.h.a.d.o. record label from Florence who produce new work and compilations by contemporary groups.

The luminous pixel board writing, mass of services and aerostatic balloons which are the hallmarks of the images created during the sixties and seventies by the British group can now be seen on the covers of avant-garde music which refers back to the pop culture of those years
Cover of Valvola vs Archigram “Plug-In City Universe”. Art & Design – 2002 S.H.A.D.O.Records, copyright Archigram Archive London, courtesy of Dennis Crompton.
Cover of Valvola vs Archigram “Plug-In City Universe”. Art & Design – 2002 S.H.A.D.O.Records, copyright Archigram Archive London, courtesy of Dennis Crompton.
Cover of Valvola & DJ Spectra “Venus 69”. Art & Design – 2002 S.H.A.D.O.Records, copyright Archigram Archive London, courtesy of Dennis Crompton.
Cover of Valvola & DJ Spectra “Venus 69”. Art & Design – 2002 S.H.A.D.O.Records, copyright Archigram Archive London, courtesy of Dennis Crompton.

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