There are many things which take on the name and shape of animals, and a number of these are brought together at the Triennale di Milano in an exhibition entitled “Animal House” (open until 8 September). On display are 200 objects all with a zoological reference: “flying” animals the Vespa (wasp) scooter and the Airone (heron) lamp, “sea animals” such as the Delfino (dolphin) armchair and the Medusa (jelly fish) lamp or “land animals” such as the Grillo (cricket) telephone or the Topolino (mouse) car.
It forms a continuation of the recognition of the Collezione Permanente del Design – around 1000 pieces in all – which this year began by looking at objects which have women’s names. The theme for the entire series, which consists of four exhibitions, is the relationship between things and their names. The aim of the initiative is to present the collection – which since 1998 has been held at the Bovisa campus of the Politecnico di Milano – in different ways and create new interpretations on Italian design.
until 8.9.2002
Le parole e le cose II
Animal House. Oggetti con nomi e forme zoomorfe
Triennale di Milano
Viale Alemagna 6
T +39-02-724341