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The story of a group of designers, architects, artists and a small company – Gufram – which with “Multipli” (still in production as a limited edition) made its mark in the history of design worldwide is the centre of an exhibition curated by Franco Mello. Founded in 1966 by the Gugliermetto brothers, Gufram, with the Alvar chair designed by Giuseppe Raimondi, started its production of designer objects, which subsequently involved artists such as Piero Glardi and designers such as Mendini, Pettena, Lazzeroini, documents and prototypes by whom are displayed in the exhibition.
In the Manica Lunga of the Castello di Rivoli pieces can be admired such as Pratone, Bocca, Cactus and Sassi, which have become real symbols of an age. As well as the cult objects is a display of prototypes which never entered into production but shown in museums, installations and games made for children. Accompanying the collection is a rock music soundtrack which the public can listen to on headphones.
22-5.2002-1.9.2002 The Rock Furniture Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea piazza Mafalda di Savoia, Rivoli (Torino) T +39-011-9565220