About the man himself we know that he has been married to an Italian since 1982, has two children aged 11 and 15 and as a boy in the USA played basketball up to university level, he loves animals (has three dogs) and cooking exotic dishes. His age, he won’t give away, it’s a quirk of Mike Robinson, head of styling at Lancia, the man who brought into being the prototype "Dialogos” and who is working on the future flagship of the Fiat Group. “Lancia,” he tells us “ was without a product at high level and “Dialogos” was developed to take on this role. A dream car, which everyone wants even in the knowledge that for many it’s unreachable. When I arrived at Lancia after ten years at Centro stile Fiat, I found this project on my desk: I had to contribute to the creation of not only a new style but a new lifestyle, a new image for a prestigious brand”.

The details of minimalist architecture
The new Schüco LivIng Free Light system is a PVC window frame that minimises the exposed section of the window frame, enlarges the glazed area and creates an elevation with an essential character.