Snapshots by Elliott Erwitt on show in Milan

With an extensive series of snapshots an exhibition in Milan illustrates the carrier of one of the biggest photo reporters in the world, Elliot Erwitt, one of the chief photographers for Magnum, the agency with which he has been linked since 1953.

On show is the best of Erwitt who, born in France in 1928, then lived in Italy (his real bame is Elio Romano) and now has been in America for many years. The exhibition includes many unpublished and lesser known images which, seen alongside the classics, show the different sides of a leading professional, testimony to a century.

140 shots in all are on display, organised and promoted by the Provincia di Milano and the agency Contrasto, from famous images such as the portrait of Kruschev and Nixon in Moscow (1959) and Marilyn Monroe on the set of the film "The Misfits". Erwitt himself participated in the selecting of the works as well as the exhibition route which has put images alongside each other in such a way as to create wit, assonance and comparison.

24.7.2002 – 20.10.2002
Elliott Erwitt “Snaps”. I migliori scatti di un grande fotografo
Spazio Oberdan
viale Vittorio Veneto 2, Milan
Elliott Erwitt, <i>Jack Kerouac in New York</i>, 1953
Elliott Erwitt, Jack Kerouac in New York, 1953
Elliott Erwitt, <i>New York</i>, 1974
Elliott Erwitt, New York, 1974
Elliott Erwitt, <i>Stage of the movie The Misfits</i>, Nevada, 1960
Elliott Erwitt, Stage of the movie The Misfits, Nevada, 1960

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