Le Marais

The restoration and reconstruction of social-housing units and offices in Le Marais, Paris 3rd – signed by Atelier du Pont – goes past the Marais’ “museum” image and promotes mixed usage with ambitions that live up to the site’s expectations.

At just a stone’s throw from the Centre Pompidou, 25 rue Michel le Comte is a building complex located within the perimeter of the Plan to Protect and Restore the Marais (PSMV).

It dates from the 17th to the 20th centuries, and mixed private residences, workshops, and artist studios. It is a beautiful illustration of how the city has been built across the centuries through such subsequent additions.

Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)

In addition to the rehabilitation prescribed by the program, Atelier du Pont has proposed to go on this “adventure” by reconstructing a new building within the block that reflects the current context.

The project illustrates the desire to go past the Marais’ “museum” image and to promote mixed usage with ambitions that live up to the site’s expectations. Energy performance will be improved to respect the City of Paris’ Climate Plan, the number of social-housing units will be increased, and actual businesses will be preserved in the Marais area.

Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area). ground floor plan
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area). Second floor plan
Atelier Du Pont, Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area). Work phases

Le Marais, 25 rue Michel le Comte, Paris 3rd, France (Marais area)
Program: social housing units and offices
Architects: Atelier du Pont (Anne-Cécile Comar, Philippe Croisier, Stéphane Pertusier)
Team: Alice Berthelon, Aline Defert, Ariane Rouveyrol
Engineering: Parica
General contractor: SRC
Surface: 4,500 sqm
Completion: phase 1 March 2014; phase 2 July 2015