In New York, the Museum of Modern Art will open an exhibition devoted entirely to public space in the US metropolis on 19 February, the first in a new series of exhibitions that will serve as a platform to highlight emerging talent and the most innovative projects in contemporary architecture. “New York, New Publics” will explore the ways in which New York City firms have actively expanded the relationship of metropolitan architecture, offering the chance to view some important recently completed projects, from Adjaye Associates to Agency-Agency, from SO - IL to James Corner Field Operations.
“This first presentation of New York, New Publics is an opportunity to look back at the architecture produced in New York during a particularly challenging and traumatic period,” says Evangelos Kotsioris, curator of the exhibition. “Our aim is also to highlight projects and practices that go beyond their original briefs to prioritise inclusion and participation in the everyday life of the city.” The event will explore a wide range of strategies devised by architects who engage with shared spaces in New York City in new ways.

Ranging from metropolitan parks and public pool networks to local community gardens and virtual monuments for underrepresented publics, the projects presented in this exhibition inventively reimagine the use of civic infrastructure, the sharing of private resources, and the potential of new technologies to create new spaces for political engagement. In anticipation of the exhibition, both for those who will have the opportunity to physically visit it and for those who will only watch it from afar, we have selected the most interesting projects among those that will be presented in the exhibition. Browse through the gallery to discover them.