Domus Innovation issue 2018

The Innovation issue is the Domus March 2018 supplement. It is about psychogeography, smart cities, augmented reality, fashiontech, supermaterials.

Also in this issue

Design Hybrids

Design on the verge of research
The Responsive Environments and Artifacts Lab (REAL) at the Harvard Graduate School of Design studies and designs the built environment through technologically augmented experiences. Text by Allen Sadegh and Stefano Andreani


Game-changing rules
Research must work toward the expansion and transformation of experience and consciousness that our cognitive and sensory biological endowments are so rich in, and move past the concept of our need for neurological stimulation. Text by Sanford Kwinter

Augmented Reality

A concrete type of magic
Initially a military perquisite, then used for video games, and now in retinal display, augmented reality is increasingly strategic for technology giants and designers alike. Text by Stefania Garassini


Jodi Goldstein. Fostering innovation
Sharing knowledge and acquiring new perspectives are key points of innovation Jodi Goldstein, interviewed by Harvard Real Lab


Nano, micro, macro. Multiscale material design
Designers are realising that their skills complement scientific methods, allowing them to help scientific work to advance towards innovation for the built environment. Text by Martin Bechthold Joanna Aizenberg

Smart City

Revolution is a system
Not technology will change the shape of cities, but any invention that creates a new way of using urban space, that modifies the nature of the urban experience. Antoine Picon interviewed by Harvard Real Lab


Pulsus, New York City e Cambridge, Massachusetts 2017, di Invivia + Responsive Environments e Artifacts Lab, Harvard University