Winter is coming, and the holidays are approaching. Here, as is now customary, is a selection of 10 book recommendations for Christmas 2024. Books to read during the holiday break, but also to gift, buy, collect—to start the new year off right and end the current one on a high note.
This time, the selection is not tied to a common theme but explores different paths and perspectives, aiming to engage a broader audience, not just specialists. However, the very same dimension brings all these books together, tackling subjects that may seem light years apart: the ability of design (in its various forms, from architecture to fashion, from gardens to utopias) to infiltrate everyday life as a vital force. Design is not just a matter for industry professionals; it concerns us all. It encompasses the strategies we adopt to adapt to our environment, to present ourselves to others, to build our identity, to claim space and time, and to shape a shared horizon. In short, it is about how we inhabit the world.