The Nintendo Museum is about to open

In Kyoto, the historic headquarters of the multinational company, a true temple for video game enthusiasts will soon open its doors.

On October 2nd of this year, the highly anticipated Nintendo Museum will open in Kyoto, Japan, dedicated to the history of the Japanese multinational and its games. The museum will be located on the site where the company opened its first factory and was headquartered since its founding in 1889—a time when it was not yet focused on video games but on producing hanafuda playing cards, which were particularly popular with the yakuza for bypassing anti-gambling laws.

In a video released by Nintendo, the renowned game designer Miyamoto Shigeru—the creator of Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda—introduced the interiors and setup of the exhibition, which will span two floors. The ground floor will feature eight interactive experiences based on Nintendo games and video games, while the first floor will house games and video games displayed in true Wunderkammers alongside more rational elements that will showcase the evolution of some of the company's iconic elements over time. Additionally, there will be an area where visitors can play historic Nintendo video games using controllers so large that they require two people to operate. A themed café and a store for all enthusiasts will also be included.

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