Domus 1092 hits the shelves

In the July-August issue of Domus, Norman Foster looks at the future of flight and space: starting from innovations that will enable new exploration all the way to the influences on the world of design.

Editorial/ Space exploration and architecture

Text Norman Foster

Essays/ The new challenges of flight The seductive future that lay ahead for aviation in the last century has been scaled back by environmental concerns, which have driven research towards new aircraft at different scales and with alternative energy sources.

Text Jonathan Glancey

Essays/ from the Earth to the Moon An excursus on the milestones of aerospace design reveals the fruitful relationship between art, design and industry. The path to the future enjoys the support of various sectors.

Text Anthony Sims

Essays/ Towards the second space age A look at the leading edge of space tourism 20 years after the appearance of the first private companies.

Text Stephen Attenborough

Architecture/ Som, Kempegowda International Airport, Terminal 2 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Bengaluru’s recently opened airport complex honours the megalopolis’s reputation as a garden city through its nature-friendly design SOM and sustainable strategies.

Text Shaikh Ayaz

Architecture/ Kohn Pedersen Fox, Zayed International Airport, Terminal A Abu Dhabi, UAE Modulated to maximise the efficiency of passenger flows, the terminal’s form is defined by the encounter with desert light.

Text Alessandro Benetti

Design/Wings of a new era  A new age of aviation is about to take off. What once seemed real and possible only in science fiction movies or cartoons is now shaping up behind the scenes: old fuselages converted and given revolutionary wings to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions in the atmosphere; the technology of futuristic engines rediscovered in the past; hitech airships for humanitarian missions and cargo transport; pilotless flying taxis for mobility that seeks to free metropolises from traffic congestion; and the revival of a decades-long challenge to bring back supersonic flight. Some of these efforts may fail, while others will succeed and change the rules of the game forever. Here is a preview of the future that awaits us.

Text Maurizio Gunelli

Design/ Hot-Sat Thermography Throughout history, there have been different paradigms for urban planning. Today, with the ongoing climate crisis, thermography is becoming one of the main tools.

Text Philippe Rahm

Design/ Aurelia Institute, Tesserae The institute founded by Ariel Ekblaw has developed self-assembling modules to build extraterrestrial habitats. So, in a maybe not too distant future, we could be living in space.

Text Luca Garofalo

Art/ Samuel Peralta, Lunar Codex Why put an art gallery on the Moon, where nobody lives? Perhaps for the same reason that has been driving us to venture up there for the last 50 years, looking for a way to live there.

Text Bruce Sterling

Archive/Eagle, comics and architecture A landmark comic magazine for children in post-war Britain, Eagle also had a considerable influence on the imagery of architecture and machines.

Text Norman Foster

Foster on art/ Constantin Brâncuși Would one of the world’s most beautiful objects, L’Oiseau dans l’espace, and the experiments that ensued from it have existed without the artist’s encounter with the world of flight? 

Text Norman Foster

Book Reviews/ Beyond planet Earth: history, ethics and politics

Text Luca Garofalo

Postscript/Architecture of the sky

Text Norman Foster

Interview/ Dava Newman, Space provides a transformative overview

Text Norman Foster

Cover story/ The future of flight and space

Text Edward Burtynsky

Diario. Common places/ Redwood

Text Paul Smith

Diario. Graphics/ The Toledo Museum of Art's identity starts with a "T"

Text Francesco Franchi

Diario. Human design/ Bosco Colto: on forgotten resources and lost vocations

Text Paola Carimati

Diario. Talents/ Kuo Duo: a new material vocabulary combining tradition and tech

Text Silvana Annichiarico

Diario. Emerging territories/ Wasatch Front: spiritual utopia, environmental collapse

Text Javier Arpa Fernández

Diario. Mnemosine/ Breuer’s armchair inspired by his bicycle’s handlebars

Text Cristina Moro

Diario. Design Cities/ We Design Beirut, projects of (extra)ordinary resilience

Text Elena Sommariva

Diario. Home office/ Alessandro Stabile: a sideboard outside the box

Text Loredana Mascheroni

Diario. Minimalisms/ Atomaa’s minimal living challenge: a house in 21 m2

Text Giulia Ricci

“The first steps away from our planet that began in the 1950s are symbolic of the potential to build a new and better world from the ashes of one shattered by the military application of technology a decade earlier and a timely reminder of the lessons of history,” writes Norman Foster in the July-August issue. The debt that the British architect owes to the topics of this issue of Domus is deep: from the imagery represented by his buildings, such as the HBSC in Hong Kong (1986), to the more material aspects, such as in the Masdar community designs in Abu Dhabi (2014), which employed the same material used in space suits to counter the extreme temperatures of space.

The three essays by Architecture Critic, Author, and Journalist Jonathan Glancey; Senior Manager of Industrial Design at Space Exploration Technologies Anthony Sims; and Virgin Unite US Board Member and Trustee Stephen Attenborough expand on distinctive topics. Glancey examines the future of aviation, which has been scaled back by environmental concerns and redirected research towards more sustainable solutions. Sims provides a historical overview of aerospace design milestones, from the projectile in Jules Verne's “From the Earth to the Moon” (1865) to the achievements of the Apollo program a century later, touching on its influence on design, from the NASA’s logo to Stanley Kubrick’s works. On the other hand, Attenborough focuses on the present and the second space age, marked by the rise of private companies such as Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, and SpaceX.

Domus 1092, July/August 2024

The Architecture section features two newly completed terminal projects. The first, designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), is the Kempegowda International Airport Terminal 2 in Bengaluru, India. Shaikh Ayaz describes this terminal as integrating the built environment with nature and sustainability strategies. In contrast, Alessandro Benetti discusses Zayed International Airport Terminal A in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Designed to optimize internal flows, the building is architecturally characterized by its interaction with the desert light, which influences the draping effect of the roof over the facade.

For the Design section, Maurizio Gunelli outlines recent innovations transforming aviation. Today, research is working on retrofitting old fuselages with revolutionary wings to reduce atmospheric gas emissions, an example is the X-66 project from NASA and Boeing; hi-tech airships for humanitarian emergencies, such as LTA Research's Pathfinder; eVTOLs (electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft) to free traffic-choked metropolises; and the revival of the quest for supersonic flight with NASA and Lockheed Martin’s X-59. Meanwhile, Philippe Rahm discusses historical paradigms that shaped the way we’ve been building − thermography as a contemporary cornerstone. SatVu's HotSat, he notes, is a groundbreaking tool that will produce unprecedented highly defined infrared images that will guide urban planning and architectural design. Luca Galofaro delves into Ariel Ekblaw and his Aurelia Institute, focusing on self-assembling Tesserae modules.

In the Art section, American science fiction writer Bruce Sterling explores Samuel Peralta's “Lunar Codex,” the first art gallery on the Moon, reflecting on the reason behind humanity’s desire to venture into space and find a way to live there over the past 50 years.

Domus 1092, July/August 2024

In the Archive section, Norman Foster examines the impact of "Eagle" and Dan Dare on design imagery in 1940s and 1950s Britain, and recounts how he collaborated with John Batchelor, one of the cartoonists, on the Renault Centre (1982) in Swindon. For Foster on art, Norman Foster discusses Constantin Brâncuși's sculpture “L'Oiseau dans l'espace,” on which Brâncuși conducted experiments from 1923 to 1941. In Book reviews, Luca Galofaro reviews three books − by Fred Scharmen, Erika Nesvold, and Tim Peake − that explore the history, ethics, and politics beyond planet Earth. In Postscript, titled “The Architecture of the Sky,” Foster recounts his personal journey into aviation, his experiences as a pilot, and how these experiences have influenced some of the key elements of his architectural work.

In an interview conducted by Foster, Dava Newman, Director of the MIT Media Lab, emphasizes the importance of space exploration not only for technological innovation and discovery but also for its role in pushing human boundaries and fostering the sharing of knowledge.

The first steps away from our planet that began in the 1950s are symbolic of the potential to build a new and better world from the ashes of one shattered by the military application of technology a decade earlier.

Norman Foster

In the Cover story, Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky provides an inside look at the Spirit AeroSystems facilities in Wichita, Kansas, where Boeing 737 fuselages are manufactured but then assembled at the Boeing plant in Renton, Washington.

In Diario, Paul Smith talks about the production cycles involving redwoods, while Francesco Franchi discusses the coordinated image of the Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio. Bosco Colto, a project of recovery and regeneration of the territory of Borgo Santo Pietro (Catania, Italy) is the subject of Paola Carimati's Human Design column, while in Talents, Silvana Annicchiarico talks about the work of Hwachan Lee and Yoomin Maeng, Kuo Duo, Korean designers who combine tradition and technology. In Emerging territories, Javier Arpa Fernández analyzes the spatial dynamics of Wasatch Front, a fast-growing urban area in Utah near Salt Lake City. In Mnemosine, Cristina Moro sketches the history of Wassily, the chair by Marcel Breuer, now reissued by Knoll. Elena Sommariva writes about We Design Beirut, an event held May 23rd-26th despite the turbulent geopolitical climate in Lebanon. Loredana Mascheroni investigates the innovative features of the Tacito sideboard by Alessandro Stabile for Magis. Finally, Giulia Ricci delves into Atomaa's research on minimal living, which culminated in a 21 m2 tiny house in Milan.

Editorial/ Space exploration and architecture Text Norman Foster

Essays/ The new challenges of flight Text Jonathan Glancey

The seductive future that lay ahead for aviation in the last century has been scaled back by environmental concerns, which have driven research towards new aircraft at different scales and with alternative energy sources.

Essays/ from the Earth to the Moon Text Anthony Sims

An excursus on the milestones of aerospace design reveals the fruitful relationship between art, design and industry. The path to the future enjoys the support of various sectors.

Essays/ Towards the second space age Text Stephen Attenborough

A look at the leading edge of space tourism 20 years after the appearance of the first private companies.

Architecture/ Som, Kempegowda International Airport, Terminal 2 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Text Shaikh Ayaz

Bengaluru’s recently opened airport complex honours the megalopolis’s reputation as a garden city through its nature-friendly design SOM and sustainable strategies.

Architecture/ Kohn Pedersen Fox, Zayed International Airport, Terminal A Abu Dhabi, UAE Text Alessandro Benetti

Modulated to maximise the efficiency of passenger flows, the terminal’s form is defined by the encounter with desert light.

Design/Wings of a new era Text Maurizio Gunelli

 A new age of aviation is about to take off. What once seemed real and possible only in science fiction movies or cartoons is now shaping up behind the scenes: old fuselages converted and given revolutionary wings to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions in the atmosphere; the technology of futuristic engines rediscovered in the past; hitech airships for humanitarian missions and cargo transport; pilotless flying taxis for mobility that seeks to free metropolises from traffic congestion; and the revival of a decades-long challenge to bring back supersonic flight. Some of these efforts may fail, while others will succeed and change the rules of the game forever. Here is a preview of the future that awaits us.

Design/ Hot-Sat Thermography Text Philippe Rahm

Throughout history, there have been different paradigms for urban planning. Today, with the ongoing climate crisis, thermography is becoming one of the main tools.

Design/ Aurelia Institute, Tesserae Text Luca Garofalo

The institute founded by Ariel Ekblaw has developed self-assembling modules to build extraterrestrial habitats. So, in a maybe not too distant future, we could be living in space.

Art/ Samuel Peralta, Lunar Codex Text Bruce Sterling

Why put an art gallery on the Moon, where nobody lives? Perhaps for the same reason that has been driving us to venture up there for the last 50 years, looking for a way to live there.

Archive/Eagle, comics and architecture Text Norman Foster

A landmark comic magazine for children in post-war Britain, Eagle also had a considerable influence on the imagery of architecture and machines.

Foster on art/ Constantin Brâncuși Text Norman Foster

Would one of the world’s most beautiful objects, L’Oiseau dans l’espace, and the experiments that ensued from it have existed without the artist’s encounter with the world of flight? 

Book Reviews/ Beyond planet Earth: history, ethics and politics Text Luca Garofalo

Postscript/Architecture of the sky Text Norman Foster

Interview/ Dava Newman, Space provides a transformative overview Text Norman Foster

Cover story/ The future of flight and space Text Edward Burtynsky

Diario. Common places/ Redwood Text Paul Smith

Diario. Graphics/ The Toledo Museum of Art's identity starts with a "T" Text Francesco Franchi

Diario. Human design/ Bosco Colto: on forgotten resources and lost vocations Text Paola Carimati

Diario. Talents/ Kuo Duo: a new material vocabulary combining tradition and tech Text Silvana Annichiarico

Diario. Emerging territories/ Wasatch Front: spiritual utopia, environmental collapse Text Javier Arpa Fernández

Diario. Mnemosine/ Breuer’s armchair inspired by his bicycle’s handlebars Text Cristina Moro

Diario. Design Cities/ We Design Beirut, projects of (extra)ordinary resilience Text Elena Sommariva

Diario. Home office/ Alessandro Stabile: a sideboard outside the box Text Loredana Mascheroni

Diario. Minimalisms/ Atomaa’s minimal living challenge: a house in 21 m2 Text Giulia Ricci