Dyson’s first all-in-one vacuum and mopping device is launched

The UK firm introduced Wash G1, a great feat of mechanical engineering.

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1 Courtesy Dyson

Forget about the ultra-technological motors of some of its products or the uncanny sci-fi vibe of the company’s first foray into audio with the Zone headphones/air purifier: Dyson’s hot new thing is a mop. 
Starting at 699$, Dyson’s first all-in-one wet vacuum cleaner is admittedly one hell of a mop. The device applies, as usual, some very clever and overkill engineering, leveraging the principle of mechanical agitation to suck and separate dry and wet debris while washing the floor at the same time. Dyson believes it has solved a major hurdle of traditional mops (which just spread dirt around) by continuously delivering clean water to the device’s dual microfiber mop heads as they operate. This design has the benefit of avoiding the strenuous manual effort typically required with traditional mops. 

Dyson Wash G1. Courtesy Dyson

Thanks to its counterrotating rollers, the Dyson Wash G1 scrubs away dried-on stains, simplifying the user’s task to merely guiding the mop around. So much for the dream of fully automated cleaning. The new Dyson mop also features a built-in bristle brush that captures larger particles like breadcrumbs, efficiently sweeping them into a separate tray. For its first mop, Dyson decided to keep things simple. On the Wash G1, there’s no connectivity nor any feature to control the mop via a smartphone app. It’s as if Dyson decided to focus exclusively on the task at hand–washing stained and messy floors in the best possible way. Hard to say if they succeeded until the mops will be out in the fall, but we certainly appreciate the idea of focusing the typical Dyson overengineering on the mechanical parts of the device instead of adding marketing-driven digital function to a device that, at the end, just needs to do one thing well: washing the floor.

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson

Dyson Wash G1

Courtesy Dyson