Tesla unveils upgraded humanoid robot

The company released a demo video of the prototype of Optimus Gen 2, claiming that it shows a realistic test of the robot’s enhanced capabilities.

Elon Musk’s Tesla revealed the second generation of its humanoid robot Optimus through a new promotional video. The robot is the evolution of the first Optimus from March 2023 and comes with impressive upgrades and unique abilities. If the tests shown in the promotional reel truthfully reflect what the robot is capable of, then Optimus Gen 2 is certainly a big leap from the first version of the android we saw less than a year ago. 
The robot is now 10 kg lighter than its predecessor, can walk 30% faster, has articulated toe sections, and sports tactile sensing on all its fingertips. It can perform tasks such as manipulating delicate objects like eggs without breaking them and is much better at balancing and controlling its full-body stance. 

The Optimus Gen 2 is still a prototype, and Tesla doesn’t aim to sell or produce it at scale. Elon Musk believes that robots will eventually replace humans in all the activities we won’t do anymore, such as dangerous or strenuous jobs. Despite the impressive capabilities of Optimus Gen 2, it’s still quite unclear how far out that version of the future could be.

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