Mario Cucinella designs new Ferrari e-building

This architecture aspires to become a vector of urban redevelopment in Maranello, a center of excellence with a low environmental impact. 

The new Ferrari e-building, designed by MCA - Mario Cucinella Architects, was inaugurated in Maranello within the northern area of the brand’s production site. The project, which involved the creation of the external facades and the main internal spaces, aims to be an example of sustainable industrial architecture in open dialogue with the surrounding landscape, fitting into a broader urban regeneration process.

The structure of the e-building spans two main levels and two mezzanine floors, with a total area of 42,500 sqm, and was designed to combine Ferrari’s production needs with high performance and low environmental impact, integrating light, innovative construction processes, and efficient use of resources in every aspect of its construction.

The continuous and luminous façade consists of opaline glass windows interspersed with transparent sections, ensuring high internal diffusion of natural light and visual comfort. Echoing Ferrari’s aesthetic standards and the language of industrial structures, the translucent outer cladding follows Design for Manufacturing and Assembly principles to facilitate the on-site assembly and maintenance of components, thus reducing the environmental impact related to the materials used and resource consumption.

The entire building, standing on the footprint of an industrial area of obsolete buildings, was designed without consuming new land, using recyclable materials and integrating 3,000 solar panels that power it.

Courtesy Mario Cucinella Architects

Similarly, Cucinella’s interiors aim to maximize worker well-being through ergonomic workspaces, relaxation areas, the planting of 200 trees, and a rooftop garden overlooking the production activities to ensure visual continuity of spaces.

Opening image: Photo Duccio Malagamba, courtesy Mario Cucinella Architects

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