Saype’s hands have arrived at the Great Pyramids of Giza

The French-Swiss street artist keeps travelling the world with his monumental land artworks with low environmental impact.

“Beyond Wall”, the ongoing project initiated by street artist Saype (Guillaume Legros), has reached its twentieth stage. The backdrop for his latest interlaced hands, symbolizing the human ability to transcend mental and geographical boundaries, is 900 square meters of sandy soil of the Giza Necropolis, proclaimed a UNESCO heritage site in 1979 and now metaphorically connected to the rest of the world through this "human chain” of planetary dimensions.

Courtesy Saype

The choice of the historic site is deliberate and significant, aligned with his commitment to a sustainable art that will naturally fade over time, juxtaposing the eternal presence of pyramids to the transient nature of human existence and his own art.“The work represents a connection between past and present, uniting civilizations across time and space. It is a tribute to humanity's heritage and a reminder of our shared responsibility for the future”.

Opening image : Saype’s Beyond Project: Bringing Art to the Great Pyramids of Giza. Image Copyright Saype

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