Celebrated Maradona mural in Naples to be demolished: is there no alternative?

The demolition for the regeneration of the San Giovanni a Teduccio area, the unfamous Naples’ “Bronx”, is underway, but the loss of Jorit’s murals generates sadness and concern.

Like many other similar projects, the residential buildings on Via Taverna del Ferro in the San Giovanni a Teduccio district of Naples, on the eastern outskirts of the city, were supposed to be a temporary solution to accommodate those displaced by the 1980 earthquake, but they were later forgotten along with their inhabitants.

More than forty years later – and after many struggles – the redevelopment of the complex has finally begun. However, the demolitions, set to start on February 2, threaten the murals created between 2017 and 2018 by the Neapolitan street artist Jorit (Ciro Cerullo), which have become famous worldwide – including the one of Maradona, portrayed as “Dios umano” (“human God”) and accompanied by the face of an autistic boy, Niccolò – which initially seemed like they could be saved.

The first demolition will involve 84 garages. In this area, replacing the two buildings known as the “Bronx” due to their state of decay and dilapidation, the first new buildings will rise. This is the first step of the 106 million euro redevelopment mega-project that the Municipality of Naples will carry out thanks to funding from the Pnrr and Pon Metro Plus 21-27, and it is expected to be completed by 2026. The project involves the new functionalization of spaces in an eco-sustainable way, with common areas, from the laundry room to playrooms, the construction of new housing, parking lots, bike paths, sports spaces, and a public park with gardens and orchards.

Reiterating that “the important thing is that people have comfortable homes to live in”  and that the murals were meant to draw public attention to the Bronx, the artist, along with many citizens, has tried to propose the idea of preserving at least the mural dedicated to Maradona – as initially assured. Of course, perhaps four new artworks could be created, but it is still to be seen.

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