Villa Frescot, where Gianni Agnelli lived and passed away, is for sale

Margherita Agnelli has decided to sell not only the Avvocato’s Turin mansion but also the family residence on the Quirinale hill in Rome.

Giovanni Agnelli’s daughter, Margherita, has decided to put on the market the Nineteen-century Villa Frescot, the villa located on the Turin hills – on San Vito/Revigliasco road, near Peccato Torinese – where the Lawyer lived for a long time and where he died. A perimeter wall hides three buildings: a larger one, the Turin residence of the Agnelli family; Villa Bona, the house where Edoardo Agnelli lived; and a dependence of the Lawyer. The whole is surrounded by a huge park – with orchards, chestnut trees, and lavender gardens – and the price is incredibly low considering the property: a starting price of 10 million euros.

Margherita Agnelli has also listed the top-floor apartment of Palazzo Mengarini Albertini Carandini, on the Quirinale hill in Rome, for approximately 20 million euros. The house, much beloved by Agnelli’s wife, Marella Caracciolo di Castagneto, became a sort of house museum with works by Picasso, Balla, and Fontana, and where Mario Schifano painted the dining room walls. Even in Villa Frescot there are numerous works of art, but Margherita Agnelli claims that at least four paintings have disappeared, some of the most important pieces in the collection, including a Monet.

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