Rights on Carpet

Manuel Herz Architects designed a 150 sqm carpet that reflects on human rights representing four main humanitarian treaties, and invites people to sit on it and share ideas.

Manuel Herz Architects designed a carpet as part of the event series “Everyone a Humanitarian” at the Swissnex San Francisco. The project Treaties on Carpet is a carpet of approximately 150 square meters that represents four main humanitarian treaties: the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and the Convent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017
Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, Swissnex San Francisco, 2017

  These texts are written onto the carpet and illustrated through drawings and iconography. It’s thematic and geometric arrangement therefore suggests the carpet to be used by informal gatherings or small lectures. The carpet thus starts to trigger and feed discussions and debates around the topic of humanitarianism. It becomes an architectural device for curating the exchange between people. An additional dimension to the carpet is that everybody using the carpet is obliged to take off his or her shoes. The rectangular areas that the visitors sit in are reminiscent of Islamic praying mats though in this case not oriented towards Mecca but arranged a circular way.

Manuel Herz Architects, Rights on Carpet, axonometry

through end of March 2017
Everyone a Humanitarian
Swissnex San Francisco
Pier 17, The Embarcadero 800
San Francisco, USA