Transition; Warm/Wet

Using diverse medium of light and solid, dry and wet, warm and cold, Tabanlıoğlu Architects and Arik Levy show the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration between architecture and art.

Tabanlıoğlu Architects, Solid Pool,Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London
On view at the Somerset House during the London Design Festival, Transition; Warm/Wet is a two-room installation co-designed by Arik Levy and Tabanlıoğlu Architects.

Sophisticated and transcendental, the installation incorporates water, light and movement to create two different environments, each carefully composed to trigger an emotion.

The dramatic result takes inspiration from the interaction between the particles and elements that form our planet Earth, with an emphasis on light and water.

Arik Levy, FractalCloudWarm, Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London
Top: Tabanlıoğlu Architects, Solid Pool, Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London. Above: Arik Levy, FractalCloudWarm, Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London

Integrating diverse mediums of light and solid, dry and wet, and warm and cold, Transition; Warm Wet spreads across two adjoined spaces: the “warm light room” and the “cool wet room”. People moving through from one room to the other connect the two contrasting environments.

Raised above the floor, the Solid Pool by Tabanlıoğlu Architects integrates movement through two kinetic metal plates that undulate in a choreographed sequence. The surfaces are covered in water, yet despite their movements, the glittering droplets remain still. The innate tendency of liquid particles to unite is challenged. In this way the reflective sculpture explores the nature of tension, attraction and intervention through a basic element, water. Not as tranquil as on a lily pad but, rather, tense on the metal plate that swings in different directions, the drops strive for integrity and to seek a new way to flow.

Arik Levy, FractalCloudWarm, Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London
Arik Levy, FractalCloudWarm, Transition; Warm Wet. View of the installation at the Somerset House, London

The FractalCloudWarm is an extension of Arik Levy’s Fractal projects, a series of light sculptures formed of micro LED strips, representing no beginning and no end. This site-specific sculpture creates the “warm light room”. Hyper intense light turns into a warm tangible material that one can walk into, just like walking into the sun.

The radical characteristics of the FractalCloudWarm and the presence of the wires, power units and connections, give it the existence of transformation from the industrial, tactile world into a weaving of colours, textures, material and its active part of the light sculpture. The juxtaposition of FractalCloudWarm to Solid Pool creates a new reality: warm meets wet, earth meets sky, at the transition point where notes of endlessly spinning sounds emerge.

Tabanlıoğlu Architects and Arik Levy
Transition; Warm Wet

Somerset House
Strand, London

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