
Designed by Yuri Suzuki with Mark McKeague, Naomi Eliott and Joseph Pleass, Ototo is a musical invention kit which allows anyone to create their own electronic musical instrument.


With Ototo, designed by Yuri Suzuki in collaboration with Mark McKeague, Naomi Eliott and Joseph Pleassyou can unpack the kit and make anything from a drum kit of saucepans to origami that sing when touched.

The core of the kit is the PCB synthesizer, slightly larger than a cassette tape, which works as a musical keyboard straight out the box.

  By using crocodile clips you can connect board to conductive materials which will the trigger sounds. The sound can also be changed by connecting electronic modules to four outboard sensor inputs. For example you can easily build a light Theremin by connecting light sensor to control the pitch. With Ototo the designers wanted to create a kit that makes physical computing and interactive projects accessible for everyone. Getting into coding and understanding electronics can be a barrier for creativity, Ototo allows anyone to build amazing electronic sound projects with minimal knowledge.

Ototo, together with Colour Chaser (a miniature robot that detects and follows a black line while reading crossing coloured lines and translating this data into sound) will be in MoMA collection.

Concept and design: Yuri Suzuki
Co-design: Mark McKeague, Naomi Eliott and Joseph Pleass
Develpment design: Dentaku Ltd
Producer: Dentaku Ltd