
Curated by the Vienna Design Week, the window gallery project has been opened with the Austrian design duo mischer’traxler and their installation “similarly unique”.

mischer’traxler’s installation “similarly unique”, that shows at the window gallery of the Vienna Design Office at stilwerk Vienna, splits the room in two mirrored halfs and shows various projects of the studio.
Some of the chosen objects stand out due to their uniqueness within their serie. They are similar to each other, but are still unique. And yet other objects are entirely alike. mischer’traxler use, in a subtle way, a reflecting surface to indicate similarities and differencies.
Only the exact observation makes similarities and differences noticeable. It’s about the individual objects, but also about the interaction of the individual objects within the installation.

until October 1, 2014
similarly unique

tilwerk limited edition
window gallery curated by Vienna Design Week
Praterstraße 1, c/o stilwerk Vienna
3. OG, Shop 31

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