Yatatoy: Drawnimal

Yatatoy creates the app Drawnimal, that motivates the children to draw around the device and encourages them to think outside of the box.

Yatatoy: Drawnimal

Yatatoy's goal with Drawnimal was to expand the device by using simple tools like pen and paper.

Drawnimal motivates the children to draw around the device and encourages them to think outside of the box. The app helps them to leave the digital screen with a simple physical interaction. It shows the children how to draw the main features of animals. The funny animations motivate them to learn the alphabet.

“The idea was born while my daughter and I played with an alphabet book. This book showed us how to build an origami-animal out of a paper letter. I wanted to bring a similar analog and funny learning experience to our daily digital devices.” explains Lucas Zanotto, designer and animator, founder of Yatatoy.

Producer: Yatatoy
Design, concept and animation by Lucas Zanotto
Sound design by Ulrich Troyer
Programming by Niels Hoffmann