BIO 23 projects

Curators Margo Konings and Margriet Vollenberg have chosen ninety projects for Slovenia's 23rd Biennial of Design, which will open on 27 September.

Curators Margo Konings and Margriet Vollenberg of Dutch studio Organisation in Design have chosen the works to be exhibited at BIO 23 — the 23rd Biennial of Design in Ljubljana from an international call for entries. This year's theme is Design Relations, and the Museum for Architecture and Design received 437 submissions from a record 38 countries. For the exhibition, 90 submissions from 27 countries have been chosen, coming from across the globe, as far away as Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and the USA.

Selected works for the BIO 23 exhibition show an impulse of how designers and the works they create are influenced by modern technologies, digitalisation and how contemporary designers embrace the resourcefulness of nature and its processes. Throughout the history of BIO, industrial design has always been a primary focus, and therefore a special section of the BIO 23 exhibition is dedicated to industrial design products. The works to be exhibited in BIO 23 are divided into four categories: Technology, Digitalisation, Globalisation and Products. The first three categories are subdivided into several subcategories. Under Technology are the subcategories Health, Machines, Processes and Science; under Digitalisation are Back to Crafts, Counter Reaction, Data Processing, Graphics; and under Globalisation are Industry Leftovers, Social Local, Urban Environment, and Smart Solutions.
Top: The BIO22 exhibition. Above: BIO22 exhibition opening, Museum of Architecture and Design. Photos by Žiga Intihar.
Top: The BIO22 exhibition. Above: BIO22 exhibition opening, Museum of Architecture and Design. Photos by Žiga Intihar.
BIO 23 will be on display from 27 September to 11 November 2012 at the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The BIO Gold Medal, BIO Green Award, BIO Honourable mentions, and the Award for a Student Work — attributed by an international jury composed of Giulio Cappellini, Sven Jonke, Sophie Lovell, Jimmy MacDonald and Vasa J. Perovic — will be bestowed at the opening ceremony of the Biennial on 27 September. The international exhibition of contemporary design will be accompanied by guided tours, creative workshops for children, screenings, lectures, conference, presentations of products and other exhibitions and events around the city of Ljubljana.
The theme of BIO23 is <em>Design Relations</em>. The Museum for Architecture and Design received 437 submissions from a record 38 countries
The theme of BIO23 is Design Relations. The Museum for Architecture and Design received 437 submissions from a record 38 countries
THe BIO 22 exhibition opening, at Museum of Architecture and Design. Photo by Žiga Intihar
THe BIO 22 exhibition opening, at Museum of Architecture and Design. Photo by Žiga Intihar

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