The initiative, which comprises an exhibition, a series of talks and few screenings, tries to investigate and instigate the strict set of rules tangling up the historical center of Florence. The rules that perform a double function: on the one hand, they are in place to protect a precious historical heritage, on the other, they perpetuate a means of exercising control over public spaces in the city under the guise of "preservation".
In defence of an apparent culture of decorum and against the danger of degradation, the centre is affected every year by a series of new prohibitions: against bivouac, against the possession of alcoholic beverages exceeding personal use, against begging, and most recently, “against the false-mimes... people with white tunics, head coverings and the face distorted by white wax”. These by laws are “negative duties”; they enunciate against things, behaviours and situations, and are aimed to discipline the space of possibilities.
The artists and designers invited have been asked to disturb such a constrained city, to detect and occupies the juridical holes, to produce divergent forms of representation wedging in the residual spaces these policies leave behind.
with:Piero Frassinelli/Superstudio, Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen with START association, Bernard Khoury and Yasmine Almachnouk, Frauke Gerstenberg and Jan Liesegang/Raumlabor, Eva Sauer and Robert Pettena, Cartografia resistente, Brave New Alps, Lungomare / Osservatorio Urbano, Jan Van Eyck Academie design department, Anja Kirsckner & David Panos, Sandro Chignola, Laura Colini, Paolo Cottino, OginoKnauss

STARBOX 4160: Roller Blind Excellence
Mottura introduces STARBOX 4160: a system that marries sophisticated design and cutting-edge technology, for ultimate control of light and temperature.