Opening tomorrow at St. Nazaire ARCHILiFE 010, three days packed with seminars, discussions and debates featuring leading figures from different contexts who all share an approach of significant rethinking regarding architectural practice in today’s world.
Architecture, intended as a method of exploration, intervention and knowledge, will be at the centre of each of the three days that encompass both the speculative and theoretical dimension, in keeping with the tradition of the international encounters that established modern and contemporary architectural history.

Si apre domani a St. Nazaire ARCHILiFE 010, una tre giorni densa di incontri, discussioni e dibattiti che vedrà partecipare figure di spicco provenienti da contesti differenti, ma che condividono un’ottica comune di ripensamento delle pratiche architettoniche nel mondo attuale. L’architettura, intesa come metodo di indagine, intervento e conoscenza, sarà al centro di ciascuna delle tre giornate che comprenderanno la dimensione speculativa e teorica, in risonanza con la tradizione degli incontri internazionali che ha fondato la storia moderna e contemporanea dell’architettura.

Guests include:
Friday – architects Pier Vittorio Aureli, Kersten Geers; Hilary Sample, MOS; Philippe Bataille, Director of École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes

Saturaday - Marc Armengaud (AWP), filosofo; Momoyo Kaijima, Atelier BOW WOW; Philippe Rahm; gli artisti Vito Acconci, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Didier Fiuza Faustino

Sunday - Lecture by Rem Koolhaas (to be confirmed) in dialogue with Hans-Ulrich Obrist and, later in the afternoon, architects Pedro Gadanho, Emiliano Gandolfi; Joseph Grima, Director at Storefront for Art and Architecture until 2010, New York; New chief editor of Domus

Practical information
Attendance free by reservation: +39-0228549945
The proceedings of this conference will be reported in an autumn 2010 publication

Hospitality: creating the perfect atmosphere

Wellbeing, connection and functionality, but also the choice of the right furniture: this is the way to create spaces that make us feel at home.

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