8 great TV shows told through their homes and offices

Even more than in films, the settings and in particular the interiors play a key role in television and serial storytelling. And it's even more evident in masterpieces like Breaking Bad, Mad Men or... BoJack Horseman.

TV shows’ recurring settings are never accidental. Usually framed for a very long time, they are the scene of many different events, and as the hours go by, they tell us more about the characters.

If in a film we often don't have time to explore the settings, when it comes to TV shows they become an almost fixed presence in all framings. Each TV show has its own interiors, which are sometimes used as a storytelling tool. This is more easily understandable in science fiction TV shows, because here everything is different from our world, but even when the stories are set in the present, nothing is left to chance.

Interior design, scenography and even just illumination, when properly taken care of, work in unexpected ways to carry on the story and say something, sometimes even in antithesis to the plot, about who lives in or has furnished these places.

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